TM 55-3810-306-15
3-1. General
General safety considerations and precautions for
Fire extinguishers must be readily
handling and transporting the RTCC are as follows:
available during all loading and
unloading operations.
a. Do not leave the RTCC unattended while the
engine is running.
Loading crews must provide proper
b. Stay clear and ensure that all personnel and no
obstacles are in the RTCC path when it is in reverse.
ventilation during loading and
unloading operations, if the RTCC
c. Do not stand or walk under the RTCC when it is
engine is in use.
being lifted.
inhalation of carbon monoxide fumes
d. Check each RTCC to ensure that all loose items
could be fatal.
are secured.
e. For safe driving the assembled crane long
3-2. Specific Safety Requirements
distances or for transport by railcar or semitrailer,
remove the hook block, overhaul ball, and the two block
Pertinent safety requirements by individual mode
weights and chains. Rewind the wire rope on main and
appear in the appropriate chapters of this manual.
auxiliary hoists. If desired, the auxiliary boom nose and
counterweight may be removed.
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