TM 55-3805-261-14
Figure 4-7. Rear section of the model 130G Type II grader for external airlift by helicopter.
(6) Cover all pivot points in the articulated
(9) Insert link 77 of sling legs 3 and 4 in the
hitch group with plastic bags or suitable substitute and
tape securely to prevent fouling by sand and dirt.
(10) Secure excess chain with 2-inch tape.
(7) Place apex fitting on top of section, and
(11) Cluster and tape sling legs together in a
route sling legs 1 and 2 through front lift fittings and
breakaway technique to prevent fouling during initial lift.
sling legs 3 and 4 through the rear lift fittings. Sling legs
e. Rear Section Preparation for Single-Hook Lift.
1 and 3 must be on the same side of the load.
(1) Cover all pivot points in the articulated
(8) insert link 3 of sling legs 1 and 2 in the
hitch group with plastic bags, or suit-
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