TM 55-3805-261- 14
47 and CH-54 helicopters. Trained heavy-equipment
Battery cables are hot until both
drivers or repairmen are required to sectionalize the
batteries have been disconnected.
grader, rig it for remote maneuvering, and reassemble it
after the lift. The procedure for sectionalizing the grader
can be found in the applicable operator's manual.
(a) Disconnect battery cables and pass
them through the panel holes to the inside.
b. Load Description. The model 130G Type II
(sectionalized) grader is reduced as described in
(b) Drain the air tanks, disconnect the
brake system air hoses, and remove the nipples.
exhaust stack are not stored behind the seat. Trained
(c) Loosen clamps located in the center
personnel will sectionalize the grader as described in the
of each panel.
operator's manual. Figures 4-6 and 4-7 show the front
(d) Remove the door latch on the left
and rear sections of the grader after they are rigged.
For flight planning purposes, the weight of each section
(e) Remove the panel mounting bolts
after it is rigged and ready for lift is as follows:
and end spacers.
(1) Front section ........15,980 pounds (7248.41 kg)
(f) Remove the panels.
(2) Rear section .........14,460 pounds (6558.95 k g)
Panel weight (111 and 125 pounds)
Rigging and sling hookup personnel
and location requires extreme care to
preclude damage or personal injury
communication and coordination
during removal.
Qualified aviation or path- finder
Panels may be stowed on the floor of
personnel should be utilized.
the aircraft or palletized.
c. Personnel and Materials Required. Two men
(g) Stow small, loose components in
are required to rig each load. A total of 40 minutes (20
the drawbar toolbox.
minutes for each section) is required. Following is a list
of materials required for rigging.
(h) Reconnect battery cables and air
hoses for loading/offloading operations.
(1) Two slings, helicopter, cargo-carrying,
external four-leg, 25,000-pound-capacity (NSN 1670-01-
grader prepared for transport in C-130/C-141 aircraft.
(2) Tape, adhesive, 2-inch-wide (NSN 7510-
4-6. Transport of Model 130G Grader in US Air
Force Aircraft
(3) Cord, nylon, type III, 500-pound breaking
a. Materials.
Sleeper, parking shoring, and
strength (BS) (NSN 8305-00082-5752).
restrictor blocks, as shown in figure 4-4, should be
(4) Webbing, cotton, 80-pound, natural, 1/4-
prepared before actual loading of the model 130G
inch (NSN 8305-00-268-2411).
grader. Palletized items should be loaded, secured, and
(5) Padding, material (cellulose) (NSN 8135-
weighed before loading time.
b. Loading.
(6) Cargo tie assembly (lashing, D-ring, load
(1) Actual loading instructions, such as use of
binder) (NSN 1670-00-937-0271).
auxiliary ramps and station location of items in the
(7) Plastic bags.
aircraft, will be in accordance with the applicable TO 1C-
(8) Two wooden posts, 4-x 4-x 48-inch.
xxx-9 and the Air Force loadmaster.
d. Front Section Preparation for Single-Hook Lift.
(2) All externally and internally stowed
(1) Secure each section of front axle to front
equipment must be secured.
tiedown points using the cargo tie assembly.
(3) The vehicle transmission must be placed
(2) Loosen front headlight bar and rotate
in neutral and brakes must be set.
180 and retighten padlights with wadding and tape.
c. Time Required.
The time and personnel
(3) Pad and tape worklights on forward edge
required to prepare, load, and unload the item and to
of operator's platform.
place it back into operation are depicted in table 4-5.
(4) Secure steering wheel on both sides to
4-7. Internal Transport by US Army Aircraft
horizontal control bar with nylon cord.
The model 130G grader exceeds the size and weight
(5) Secure seat with nylon cord.
limitations for internal transport by US Army fixed-wing
aircraft or helicopters.
4-8. External Transport by US Army Helicopters
a. General.
The model 130G Type II
(sectionalized) grader can be externally lifted by the CH-
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