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Page Title: Special Requirements and Restrictions (49 CFR 175.703)
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TM 55-315
c. According to any other procedure specifically approved by the Director, OHMT, Materials Transportation Bureau.
10-12. Special Requirements and Restrictions (49 CFR 175.703)
a.  No person may carry in an aircraft any package of radioactive material labeled Radioactive Yellow-II or
Radioactive Yellow-III, required by chapter 5 of this manual, closer than the distances shown in table 10-1 to any
package marked as containing undeveloped film.
b. No person may accept for carriage in an aircraft packages of radioactive materials, other than limited quantities,
contained in a rigid or nonrigid overpack, including a fiberboard box or plastic bag, unless the packages have been
prepared for shipment according to the general transport requirements specified in 49 CFR 173.448.
c. No person may offer or accept for transport, nor transport, by air:
(1) Any Type B(U) or B(M) package with an accessible surface temperature in excess of 50 (122 );
(2) Continuously vented Type B(M) packages, packages that must be cooled by an auxiliary cooling system, or
packages subject to operational controls during transport; or
(3) Liquid pyrophoric radioactive materials.
d. Packages with radiation levels that exceed 200 millirems per hour at any point on the external surface of the
package, or a transport index in excess of 10, may not be transported by aircraft except under special arrangements
approved by the Research and Special Programs Administration, Department of Transportation.
10-13. Shipment by Military Aircraft
The special provisions of TM 38-250 (AFR 71-4) that apply to shipment of radioactive materials by military aircraft are
outlined in a through c below; otherwise applicable Federal regulations must be complied with.
a. Radioactive Material Classification. For shipment by military aircraft, radioactive material is classed as a single-
dagger (t) (TM 38-250) item. Such items will not be transported on passenger-carrying military aircraft.
b. Special Requirements.
(1) The local transportation officer will arrange for technically qualified personnel to advise the pilot before or
during loading regarding the nature of and hazards associated with the shipment, proper handling procedures, and
emergency in-flight procedures.
(2) Radioactive material shipments will be marked and labeled as prescribed by DOT regulations. DD Form
1387-2 (Special Handling Data/ Certification) with attached shipper's certificate will be affixed to each package in the
shipment. The certificate should read as follows:
This is to certify that the contents of the packages in this shipment are properly described by name and are
packed, marked, and in proper conditions for transport according to TM 38-250.
(3) A separate shipping document will be prepared for radioactive materials when ge eral cargo is transported
on the same aircraft. The shipping document will contain the proper shipping name (TM 38-250, table 5-1) and the
above shipper's certification.
c. Movement by Military Airlift Command (MAC). Request for aircraft to move the materials covered by this manual
will be processed and submitted according to AR 59-8 or AR 59-9.
10-14. Shipment by Passenger-Carrying Aircraft (49 CFR 175.700)
a. After 2 May 1989, a package containing a radioactive material may not be offered for transport aboard a
passenger-carrying aircraft unless that material is intended for use in, or incident to, research, medical diagnosis, or
treatment (49 CFR 173.4(b)).
b. Type B(M) packages may not be offered or accepted for transport, nor transported, on passenger-arrying aircraft.
c. No person may carry in a passenger-carrying aircraft any package labeled Radioactive Yellow-II or Radioactive
Yellow-III, unless:
(1) For package labeled Radioactive Yellow-II, the transport index does not exceed 1.0;
(2) For package labeled Radioactive Yellow-III, the transport index does not exceed 3.0;
(3) The package is carried on the floor of the cargo compartment, or freight container; and
(4) The package is carried in the aircraft according to separation distance requirements specified in paragraph 10-
d. No person may carry in a passenger-carrying aircraft any Fissile Class III radioactive materials.
e. No person may carry in a passenger-carrying aircraft any package that exceeds the restrictions specified in
paragraph 10-12..
10-15. Shipment by Cargo Aircraft Only (49 CFR 175.702)
a. As used in this section, the term "group of packages" means packages that are separated from each other in an
aircraft by 20 feet (6 meters) or less.

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