TM 55-315
Figure 5-4. Radiation symbol.
such as radiation levels, kinds of material, estimated activity, and so forth, to permit individuals handling or using the
containers to take precautions to avoid or minimize exposure. Two examples are shown in figures 5-5 and 5-6.
For purposes of paragraph 5-11, where a combination of isotopes in known amounts is involved, the
limits for the combination should be derived as follows: Determine, for each isotope in combination,
the ratio between the quantity present in the combination and the limit otherwise established for the
specific isotope when not in combination. The sum of such ratios for all the isotopes in the
combination may not exceed 1 (that is unity). Example, if a particular container contains 20
microcuries of Au-198 (gold) and 50 microcuries of C-14 (carbon), it may. also contain not more than
3 microcuries of I-134 (iodine) before a radiation symbol is required. This limit is determined as
20 Ci Au-198
50 Ci C-14
3 Ci I-134
= 1.0
100 Ci
100 Ci
10 Ci
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