TM 55-315
b. Classification of Fissile Materials Packages (49 CFR 173.455). Except as outlined in a above, each package of
fissile materials shall be classified as follows:
(1) Fissile Class I. These packages may be transported in unlimited number and in any arrangement, and
they require no nuclear criticality safety controls during transport. No transport index is assigned to Fissile Class I
packages for nuclear criticality safety control; however, the external radiation levels may require a transport index.
(2) Fissile Class II. These packages may be transported together in any arrangement but in numbers that do
not exceed a total transport index of 50. For nuclear criticality safety control, individual packages may have a transport
index of not less than 0.1 and not more than 10. However, the external radiation levels may require a higher transport
index. These shipments require no nuclear criticality safety control by the shipper during transport.
(3) Fissile Class III. These packages do not meet the requirements of Fissile Class I or II and are controlled
by the specific requirements for transporting Fissile Class III shipments (49 CFR 173.457) by appropriate arrangements
between the shipper and the carrier.
The numerical values for package assignments as Fissile Class I, the transport indexes for
Fissile Class II packages, and the conveyance and vehicle limitations for Fissile Class III
shipments shall be determined according to 10 CFR 71.
c. Type A Quantities of Fissile Materials (49 CFR 173.417(a)). Except as provided in a above, fissile materials
containing not more than Type A quantities shall be packaged in one of the following packagings:
(1) DOT specification 6L (49 CFR 178.103), metal packaging, for materials prescribed in d(2) below.
(2) DOT specification 6M (49 CFR 178.104), metal packaging, for materials prescribed in d(2) below.
(3) Any authorized Type A packages (49 CFR 173.415), limited to the following radioactive materials:
(a) 500 grams of uranium-235 in a single shipment as Fissile Class III, or not more than 40 grams of
uranium-235 per package as Fissile Class II. For Fissile Class II shipments, the transport index assigned to each
package shall not be less than 0.4 for each gram of uranium-235 above 15 grams and up to a maximum of 40 grams
(transport index of 10).
radioactivity content may not exceed 20 curies. The transport index to be assigned to each package must be 0.5 for
each 20 grams, or a fraction thereof, of fissile plutonium.
(4) Any other Type A or Type B, B(U), or B(M) packaging for fissile radioactive materials that also meets the
applicable standards of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations (10 CFR 71) and that is used per the
requirements for US Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved packages (49 CFR 713.471).
(5) Any other Type A or Type B, B(U), or B(M) packaging that also meets the applicable requirements for
fissile material packaging in section VI of the International Atomic Energy Agency Regulations for the Safe Transport of
Radioactive Materials, Safety Series No. 6, and for which the foreign competent authority certificate has been
revalidated by the Director, OHMT, per the requirements for foreign-made packages (49 CFR 173.473). Authorized only
for export and import shipments.
(6) A DOT specification 6J (49 CFR 178.100) or 17H (49 CFR 178.118), 55-gallon steel drum, subject to the
following conditions:
(a) The quantity may not exceed 350 grams of uranium-235 in any nonpyrophoric form, enriched to any
degree in the uranium-235 isotope.
(b) Each drum must have at least an 18gauge body and bottom head and a 16-gauge removable top
head with one or more corrugations in the cover near the periphery.
(c) The outer drum closure must be at least a 12-gauge bolted ring with drop-forged lugs, one of which is
threaded, and have at least a 1.6-centimeter (5/8-inch)-diameter steel bolt and a lock nut, or equivalent device.
(d) At least four equally spaced 12-millimeter (0.5-inch)-diameter vent holes shall be provided on the
sides of the drum near the top, each covered with weatherproof tape, or equivalent device.
(e) Appropriate main inner container and sufficient packaging material, such as plastic or metal jars or
cans, shall be provided such that specification 7A (49 CFR 178.350) provisions are satisfied by the inner packaging.
(f) Each inner container shall be capable of venting if subjected to the thermal test described in 10 CFR
(g) Liquid contents shall be packaged according to the design requirements for Type A packages
pertaining to liquids (49 CFR 173.412 (m) and (n)).
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