TM 55-315
in civil aircraft. Its regulations are published in 49 CFR. TM 38-250 contains requirements for shipment by military
aircraft. Other references are:
(a) 49 CFR 171.
(b) Official Air Transport Restricted Articles Tariff No. 6-Series, Agent - C.C. Squire, General Manager.
(c) AR 95-27.
(2) The United States Coast Guard (USCG). The USCG regulates the movement of radioactive materials by
water. Its requirements are published in 49 CFR 176.
c. The United States Postal Service (USPS). The USPS regulates the mailing of radioactive materials. Postal
requirements are published in US Postal Service Publication 52.
d. The Director of Safety, DCSPER. The Director of Safety coordinates with, and furnishes guidance to, Army
staff agencies and commanders of major Army commands on all safety-policy matters on the transport of radioactive
materials other than weapons. Pertinent reference is AR 385-11.
e. The Commander, Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC). The Commander, MTMC acts as the
authorized representative of the military services in arranging for DOT special permits (para 4-19). MTMC also provides
transportability monitoring, evaluation, and guidance.
The Commanding Officer at the Point of Origin. The origin shipper arranges for movement of radioactive
materials according to AR 55-16, AR 55-162, AR 385-11, and AR 55-355; properly packages, labels, loads, and blocks
and braces the cargo; prepares shipping documents; inspects and surveys vehicles and cargo; notifies consignee of
pending shipment; and arranges for technical escort when required. Also, he coordinates with civil law enforcement
agencies for assistance in expediting movement of such shipments. In oversea areas, if status of forces agreements
contain different transport requirements, the more stringent requirements will be followed.
g. The Commanding Officer at the Receiving Agency. The receiving activity accepts, offloads, surveys, inspects,
and acknowledges receipt of the shipment.
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