TM 55-2350-267-14
1. Common Metric Abbreviations
kg = kilogram
m = meter
km = kilometer
dm = decimeter
MT = metric ton
cm = centimeter
mm = millimeter
2. Linear Measure.
1 km = 0.6214 mi
1 mi= 1, 609.35 m
1 m = 1.0936 yd
1 yd = 0.9144 m
1 m = 3.2808 ft
1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 m = 39.3700 in.
1 in. = 0.0254 m
1 m= 10 dm = 100 cm = 1000 mm
3. Surface Measure.
1 sq m = 1.196 sq yd
1 sq yd = 0.8361 sq m
1 sq m = 10.764 sq ft
1 sq ft = 0.0929 sq m
1 sq m = 1,550 sq in.
1 sq in. = 0.00065 sq m
4. Cubic Measure.
1 cu m = 1.31 cu yd
1 cu yd = 0.76455 cu m
1 cu m = 35.30 cu ft
1 cu ft = 0.02831 cu m
1 cu m = 61,023 cu in.
1 cu in. = 0.000016 cu m
5. Weight.
1 MT = 1,000 kg
1 STON = 907.185 kg
1 MT = 2,204.62 lb
1 lb = 0.45359 kg
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
1-in. x 6-in. x desired length = 2.5-cm x 15-
6. The following simplified coversion factors
cm x desired length
are accurate to within 2 percent for quick com-
6-in. x 8-in. x desired length = 15-cm x 20-
cm x desired length
a. Inches to centimeters - Multiply in. by 10
1-in. x 12-in. x desired length = 2.5-cm x
and divide by 4.
30-cm x desired length (length normally ex-
b. Yards to meters - Multiply yd by 9 and di-
pressed in ft or m.)
vide by 10.
b. Wire rope.
c. Miles to kilometers - Multiply mi by 8 and
3/8-in. dia = 9.5-mm dia
divide by 5.
-in. dia = 12.7-mm dia
d. Pounds to kilograms - Multiply lb by 5 and
5/8-in. dia = 15.8-mm dia
divide by 11.
-in. dia = 19.0-mm dia
Paragraph 7-37, FM 55-15 and paragraph 2-15,
7/8-in. dia = 22.2-mm dia
TM 55-450-15 contain additional detailed con-
1-in. dia = 25.4-mm dia
version factors.
1-in. dia = 31.7-mm dia
7. The following conversions are provided for
1-in. dia = 38.1-mm dia
guidance when procuring lumber, wire rope, or
Round off to next higher whole mm of available
wire in areas that use the metric system. Lum-
wire rope sizes.
ber sizes are rounded off to nearest cm.
c. Wire. No. 8 gauge annealed (11/64-in. dia)
a. Lumber.
= 4-37-mm dia. Round off as in b above.
2-in. x 4-in. x desired length = 5 cm x 10-
cm x desired length
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