TM 55-2350-267-14
5-1. Scope
Do not allow the M992 FAASV to exceed
This chapter provides highway transportability
3 miles per hour during loading and un-
guidance for movement of the M992 FAASV. It
loading operations.
covers significant technical and physical char-
acteristics and safety considerations and pre-
scribes the materials required to prepare and
5-3. General
load the M992 FAASV on semitrailers.
The M992 FAASV is considered self-deliverable
5-2. Safety
only under appropriate tactical situations. Al-
In addition to safety precautions contained in
though the vehicle tracks are equipped with rub-
ber pads, movement over paved public highways
will not be made without specific approval as
to all safety laws, rules, and regulations appli-
outlined in AR 55-162. The weight of the FAASV
cable to commercial carriers. In oversea areas,
is considered excessive for some bridges and will
movements are governed by the theater regu-
require special routing.
porting the reduced FAASV. When this combi-
5-4. General
nation is used, the commander's cupola must be
The M992 FAASV can be transported by high-
moved by a cargo truck because it will not fit on
way mode. Major restrictions will be encoun-
the semitrailer. Restrictions for this combina-
tered when the M992 FAASV is moved by truck
tion are attributed to the width, tandem axle
tractor/semitrailer combination. The M992
load, and gross vehicle weight. Legal limits are
FAASV can be transported by both the M916/
exceeded for width, height, single axle load, tan-
M870 and the M123A1C/M172A1 truck tractor/
dem axle load, and gross vehicle weight. Most of
semitrailer combinations. When the M916/M870
these restrictions can be resolved with a permit.
combination is used, the commander's cupola
c. Materials. Adequate tiedown chains and
can be placed on the M870 semitrailer. When the
binders for securing the M992 FAASV are car-
M123A1C/M172A1 combination is used, a cargo
ried aboard the trailers and are considered as
truck will be needed to haul the commander's
basic issue items. Other required tiedown ma-
terial is shown in table 51.
5 - 5 . Transport of M992 FAASV on
d. Loading.
t h e M916/M870 and M123A1C/
M 1 7 2 A 1 Truck Tractor/Semitrailer
At no time during loading operations
should personnel be on the trailer bed.
a. M916/M870 Combination. Restrictions of
the FAASV for transport on the M916/M870
truck tractor/semitrailer combination are ma-
Loading should not be conducted on the
jor. Both legal and permitted limits are ex-
side of a slope that exceeds 10 percent, or
ceeded for CONUS transport and are mostly
with a tractor-to-trailer offset angle
attributed to the gross vehicle weight and tan-
greater than 5. Loading should not be con-
dem axle load. Most of these restrictions are
ducted on a severe downgrade, because the
within the permit limits; however, some permit
payload may roll forward on the trailer.
limits are exceeded for tandem axle load and
gross vehicle weight.
(1) Position curbing assemblies on the
b. M123A1C/M172A1 Combination. The
trailer bed so that they will be against the inside
M123A1C/M172A1 truck tractor/semitrailer
edge of both tracks when the M992 FAASV is
combination is another alternative for trans-
aboard the trailer.
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