![]() TM 55-2350-267-14
portation Engineering Agency, ATTN: MTT-
1 - 1 . Purpose and Scope
TRC, PO Box 6276, Newport News, VA 23606-
This manual provides transportability guidance
0276. Electrically transmitted messages should
for logistical handling and movement of the
be addressed to CDR MTMCTEA FT EUSTIS
M992 field artillery ammunition support vehicle
VA//MTT-TRC//. A reply will be furnished by this
(FAASV). It contains information considered
appropriate for safe transport of the item. Also
included are significant technical and physical
1-3. Safety
characteristics as well as safety considerations
Appropriate precautionary measures required
required for worldwide movement by the var-
during movement of the item are contained in
ious transportation modes. Where considered
necessary, metric equivalents are given in pa-
rentheses following the dimensions or other
1-4. Definitions of Warnings,
measurements. This manual is intended for
Cautions, and Notes
transportation officers and other personnel re-
sponsible for movement or for providing trans-
Throughout this manual, warnings, cautions,
portation services.
and notes emphasize important or critical guid-
ance. They are used for the following condi-
1-2. Reporting of
a. Warning. Instructions that, if not fol-
R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s and Comments
lowed, could result in injury to or death of per-
Users of the manual are encouraged to submit
comments and make recommended changes for
b. Caution. Instructions that, if not strictly
its improvement. Comments and recommenda-
observed, could result in damage to or destruc-
tions should be prepared on DA Form 2028 ( Rec-
tion of equipment.
ommended Changes to DA Publications and
Blank Forms) and forwarded to Commander,
c. Note. An operating procedure or condi-
Military Traffic Management Command Trans-
tion that must be emphasized.
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