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TM 55-2350-252-14
Table 4. Pallet Load Plans
Pallet B
Pallet A
Mine armor plate
Air intake grill
Side skirt armor
Engine access cover with railroad tie
Lower front hull armor plates
Receiver and feeder assembly in box
Sponson boxes
Cargo hatch
Maintenance platform
Driver's hatch
Turret armor
ISU in box
Gunner's and Commander's hatches
Swim tripods
ISU ballistic cover
Road wheels
Bolt box
Grenade launcher
25mm barrel
Front hull halfmoon armor
Final drive halfmoon armor
Each troop seats
Camouflage and poles box
Troop seats
MREs (six cases)
protective box:
POL products:
1 Gal GAA
5 Qt GMD Turret
1 Gal CLP
3 Qt Hydraulic FRH
4 Gal Antifreeze
5 Qt 15/40 Oil
9. Engine access cover (a three-person operation).
each -inch bolts (leaving one each bolt out of the
Remove two each -inch bolts and put eye mount
left side for easy installment of front lower hull
on door hatch. Using three people as guides and
the hoist, guide engine access cover into position
15. Lower front hull armor plate (a three-person
and tighten two each -inch bolts, Using 15/16-
operation). Using a three-person lift, place center
inch bolts, install armor and tighten bolts.
left hull armor plate into position. One person
positions plate with their feet, to allow the other
10. Air intake grill (a two-person operation). Us-
person to put left side upper armor into position
ing two people as guides and the hoist, guide grill
and put four each 15/16-inch bolts into place and
into place (taking care to avoid damage to the
tighten. Repeat steps for right side. Remove lower
rubber seal). Lower with hoist into place. Put four
each 3/4-inch bolts on and tighten.
four each bolts and place lower front hull armor
into place. Reinstall four each 15/16-inch bolts and
11. Turret armor (a minimum of two people on
each piece). Place armor in positions with -inch
16. Side skirt armor (a two-person operation). Us-
bolts (or 8-mm allen head screws in some spots
ing a two-person lift, place each skirt into position.
where armor is double plated). Be very careful, as
Use 11/16-inch bolts and tighten it down.
armor is heavier than it looks.
17. Periscopes (a one-person operation). Assemble
12. Grenade launcher (a one-person operation).
velcro eye cover. Push periscope into place, place
Place launcher into position. Tighten male to
in bracket, and put spacer into place using 9/16-
female ends and insert four each -inch bolts and
inch bolts. Tighten.
18. Backup sight and secondary sight (a one-
13. Mine armor plate (a three-person operation).
person operation). Unwrap backup sight and place
Using a floor jack (provided) and a three-person
tube assembly into position. Tighten four allen
lift, place armor plate onto jack. Roll jack under
head screws and three 9/16-inch bolts on top of
vehicle and raise until holes line up. Put 15/16-
turret. For the secondary sight, place sight up into
inch bolts in and tighten.
position, and install two pins.
14. Final drive half-moon plate (a one-person oper-
19. Front headlight assemblies (a one-person oper-
ation). Place headlights into position. Put four
ation). Put plates into position and tighten four

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