![]() TM
indents with the receiver lugs and slide by using
D - 3 . Palletizing M2A2 Components
an upward and in motion.
After Disassembly
2. 25-mm barrel (a two-person operation). Lift the
1. Layout two each 463L aircraft pallets per
barrel up, slide barrel into position, and twist
M2A2, making sure that a 4-inch ground to pallet
barrel in the direction of the arrows. Once barrel
clearance is maintained to facilitate forklift use.
is locked in place, check to see if barrel lock is
locked by feeder assembly.
2. The placement of the load is set so that the
3. Matching unit (a one-person operation). Hook
heaviest items are centered flat and on the bottom.
up ground wire, using a flat-tip screwdriver. Hook
Stick the remaining pieces in the gaps and holes
up coaxial cable. Using standard 9/16-inch screws,
in a neat and orderly fashion, making maximum
bolt down matching unit.
usage of all space available. Always ensure that a
4. Road wheels (a two-person operation). Place six
minimum of 2inches is left between the edge of
each 8-inch long 2 by 4 planks (taken from
the load and the inner edge of the aircraft pallet.
shoring used in aircraft) in front of road wheels.
This permits aircraft personnel to walk around the
Drive the BFVS forward onto planks and unscrew
edges of the pallets during flight and to recinch
bolts on road wheels. Put road wheels in place and
the load as necessary.
screw bolts back in place, using a 15/16-inch deep
3. Lay a large sheet of plastic under the cargo
well socket. Drive the BFVS off the boards.
netting and over the entire load of each pallet,
making sure that the edges of the plastic are
Unsnub the vehicle at this point by using
tucked in and under the edges of the load. This is
railroad tie or like large piece of wood.
not mandatory, but it does make the load more
Run over each road wheel individually,
weather resistant.
removing one each pin and clip, and re-
4. To secure the load to the pallet, use one yellow
move cable. Proceed until all 12 road
(TOP) tiedown net and five tiedown straps on each
wheels are unsnubbed. This must be done
pallet. The tiedown straps are arranged by laying
between steps 4 and 14.
two straps lengthwise and two straps widthwise,
spread across evenly. The remaining strap is
5. ISU and ballistic cover (a three-person opera-
pulled around the diameter of the load and then
tion). Unscrew all screws from the top of the
all straps are cinched tightly.
yellow box containing the ISU, take lid off, and
5. When loading easily damaged items onto the
unscrew the four bolts holding the ISU in place.
pallets, either wrap or box them, or wrap and box
Take ISU out of yellow box. Using one person in
them, and set them aside to be placed on top of
turret to guide, slowly lower ISU into place. Using
remaining items to be palletized. When the item is
9/16-inch wrench, tighten the 14 screws. (Cau-
very heavy or extremely flat (like the mine armor
tion: Be sure not to bump the ISU; it could be
plate), it is t. be placed on the bottom of the load,
thrown out of alignment and the mirror could
to reduce the effects and damages of being top-
break.) For the ISU ballistic cover, using two
heavy and unbalanced. For example, the engine
guide people and the hoist, lower cover over ISU
access cover has steel lines and rubber hoses for
and align ballistic cover cables in proper places.
hydraulic lift assembly. These are easily damaged
Tighten cables with 12-inch adjustable wrench.
by crushing effects of loose or sliding armor plates.
Screw in and tighten the five -inch screws.
Therefore, the engine access cover needs to be
6. Drivers hatch (a two-person operation). Using
placed on the bottom and shored with wood to
two people as guides and the hoist, lower hatch
protect the hydraulic lines.
into place. Using three 15/16-inch bolts, and shims
plus spurs, tighten half way. Close hatch to make
D-4. Reassembly
sure it locks, and finish tightening.
Note: Before beginning reassembly, refer to
7. Gunner's and commander's hatch (a two-person
operation). Using two people as guides and the
tables 1 and 4.
hoist, lower hatch into place, placing shims under
1. Receiver and feeder assembly (a two-person
hatch, and then tighten the -inch bolts half way.
operation). Unscrew all screws and take lid off
Close hatch to ensure correct positioning, and
black box containing the receiver and feeder as-
complete tightening.
sembly, Unhook straps inside box. With two peo-
8. Cargo hatch (a two-man operation). Using two
ple, one holding each end of the receiver and
people as guides and the hoist, lower hatch into
feeder assembly, take feeder and receiver out of
place. Use 15/16-inch bolts, spacers, and six each
the box, carry it into the turret of the M2A2,
shims, tighten half way. Check hatch for place-
adjust the roils ring to 25 roils elevation, slide
ment, and complete tightening.
receiver in the direction, and align the slotted
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