25 August 1988
TM 55-2320-280-14
Table 5-2. Application of Materials for Tiedown of HMMWV on Semitrailer (Fig. 5-1) - Continued
B ........
8 Thimbles. Place one under wire rope where wire rope contacts bottom of stake
pocket. Place another where wire rope goes through shackle. Secure each
thimble to wire rope with one U-bolt clip (detail 3).
C ........
Clamps. Place four on each item D at overlap area. Space clamps 2-1/2 inches
apart, with a minimum of 6 inches from ends of wire rope (detail 3). Place
one clamp on each item E as indicated above. Tighten clamps so wire rope
cannot slip.
D* .......
Chains. Attach one end of each chain to each front tiedown shackle. Pull chains
straight back and attach their ends to the semitrailer side stake pockets.
E* .......
Load binders. Tighten front chains with load binders.
*Chain and load binders may be substituted for wire rope, clamps. and thimbles.
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