TM 55-2320-273-14
Section I. GENERAL
the trucks on open-top flatcars.
7-1. Scope
7-2. Maximum Use of Railcar Capacity
This chapter provides rail transportability guidance
for movement of the M915 FOV vehicles. It covers sig-
Additional cargo, as approved by the activity offering
nificant technical and physical characteristics, as well
the M915 FOV for transport, may be transported on a
as safety considerations, and prescribes the materials
railcar with the vehicles provided the railcar weight
and guidance required to prepare, load, and tie down
and dimensional limitations are not exceeded.
a. The trucks may be placed in the tiedown position
7 - 3 . General
on the railcar by a crane of adequate capacity, or they
The transportability guidance contained in this section
may be driven or towed provided a suitable ramp or
is applicable when the M915 FOV vehicles are trans-
bridge is available.
ported on CONUS railways. Consideration is given to
b. The load shown in figure 7-1 is based on a flatcar
movement on railcars normally used for this type of
width of 10 feet 6 inches. Figure 7-2 provides detailed
equipment. The vehicles can be transported without
instructions for blocking and tiedown. Tables 7-1 and
restriction only at reduced height. Sectionalization or
7-2 provide the bill of materials and the instructions
major disassembly is not required. The exhaust stack
for their application to secure the system on general
on the M915 FOV vehicles should be removed and
purpose flatcars.
stowed in the cab.
7-4. Preparation for Transport
A staggered nailing pattern should be used
when lumber or laminated lumber is nailed to
The degree of preparation for the vehicles before they
the floor of the railcar. The nailing pattern
are transported by railcar is dependent on the opera-
for an upper piece of lumber should be adjust-
tional commitment.
ed as required, so that a nail for that piece
7-5. Loading of M915 FOV on General Pur-
will not be driven into or against a nail in the
lower piece of lumber.
pose Flatcars
made on an individual basis. The transportation move-
7 - 6 . General
ment office (TMO) will provide assistance in obtaining
The transportability guidance contained in this section
permits to move these vehicles in overseas areas.
is applicable when the M915 FOVs are transported on
7-7. Loading of M915 FOV on Special Pur-
foreign railways. Consideration is given to single and
multiple vehicle movements for the type of flatcar nor-
pose Flatcars
mally used in the movement of this type of vehicle.
a. Trucks may be placed in the tiedown position on
When loaded on a suitable flatcar, the vehicle can be
the flatcar by a crane, or they may be driven or towed
transported with restrictions. The M915 FOVs exceed
onto the flatcar provided a suitable ramp or bridge is
the (PPI) Passe-Partout International guage railways,
due to height. Special permits must be obtained for
b. Figure 7-3 shows the M915 FOV loaded on a flat-
movement of these vehicles. Because of the various
car equipped with center tiedown rails. Table 7-3 pro-
designation system and clearances used by different
vides instruction for the application of chain tiedowns
countries, evaluation of transport capability must be
for securing vehicles on center tiedown flatcars.
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