TM 55-1930-208-24
a. Removal. (Refer to figure 4-1).
(1) Remove two nuts (1), two lockwashers (2), two bolts (3), and grounding reel (4).
(2) Remove thirty-six nuts (5), thirty-six lockwashers (6), thirty-six bolts (7), and three port lights (8).
(3) Remove life ring (9), marker light (10), and axe (11) from bracket.
(4) Remove four nuts (12) and bracket (13).
b. Repair. Repair to housing frame and exterior covering is limited to welding and painting. Refer to TM 9-237 and
TM 55-503 for welding procedures and TM 43-0139 for painting instructions. Repair to items removed in paragraph a.
above is limited to replacing damaged parts.
c. Installation.
(1) Install bracket (13) on mounting studs and secure with four nuts (12).
(2) Install axe (11), marker light (10), and life ring (9) on their respective brackets.
(3) Install three port lights (8) and secure with thirty-six bolts (7), thirty-six lockwashers (6), and thirty-six bolts
(4) Install grounding reel (4) and secure with two bolts (3), two lock-washers (2), and two nuts (1).
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