TM 55-1915-200-10
b. Biological Decontamination. The vessel crew
An unexpected ship roll or pitch may
has no method to detect or DECON biological agents.
Remain masked and continue mission until told to
cause a soldier to fall against live
machinery, or hot surfaces.
c. Chemical Detection and Decontamination.
a. Weather Decks. Stow all lines, hoses and loose
Do not use decontamination spray
Secure and cover all hose reels, cable
on personnel.
It could cause
reels, and the work/rescue boat. Secure and dog all
hatches to weather decks. Rig storm lines if any work
personal injury.
on the weather decks are required during heavy weather
b. Pilothouse. Ensure all microphones or headsets
(1) Use M8 paper from the Chemical Agent
are properly in their holders. Secure pencils, rulers and
Detection Kit or M9 paper to determine if liquid agent is
compasses on chart table. Secure coffee pot and all
present on vessel weather deck surfaces.
other loose items.
(2) If exposure to liquid agent is known or
c. Living Spaces and Dining Areas. Secure all
suspected, clean exposed skin, clothing, and personal
pots, cups, dishes, silverware. Tie chairs to table legs or
gear, in that order, using M258A1 kit.
stack and secure. Secure loose personal gear in
Use the buddy system. Wash exposed
berthing spaces.
skin and thoroughly decontaminate as soon as the
d. Galley. If weather conditions are severe, stop
tactical situation permits.
all food preparation that presents a hazard, such as hot
(3) If the M8 or M9 paper indicates that liquid
oil in fryer, steam, boiling water or hot liquids in oven or
chemical agent is present on the vessel weather deck
on stove burners.
surfaces, use the countermeasures washdown system to
e. Engine and Machinery Spaces. Secure all loose
partially DECON the vessel.
items and tools. Stop all non-essential maintenance. If
maintenance is necessary, work in pairs.
2-7.16. Preparation for Heavy Weather.
When heavy weather conditions occur, loose gear or
equipment can cause personal injury or damage to
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