TM 55-1915-200-10
2-5.22.3. During Operations.
c. Set the HIGH-LOW speed change lever (4) to
the LOW setting.
a. Keep lathe clean and properly lubricated at all
d. Set the Cross Slide Power Selector and Threads
Cutting/Longitudinal Travel Engagement Lever (6) in the
b. Check the bed frequently to determine if it has
neutral positions.
remained level. Level it again if necessary.
c. Keep leadscrew threads clean and lightly
When performing step e, ensure that
lubricated at all times.
the Carriage Slide and Cross Slide
d. Do not move the tailstock along the ways if the
move freely.
ways are dirty or filled with excessive chips and debris.
e. Check for freedom of movement of the Carriage
2-5.23. Windshield Wipers. (FIGURE 2-173)
Longitudinal Travel Wheel (7) and the Cross Slide
a. Turn the windshield wiper control knob
Handwheel (6).
clockwise to activate the windshield wipers. (Knob is
2-5.22.2. Start Procedures.
located in the pilothouse overhead above the steering
a. Select the LOW spindle speed (4).
b. Engage apron mounted lever switch (3).
b. Adjust speed by movement of the knob.
c. Verify that spindle is turning counterclockwise.
c. Turn
If spindle is turning clockwise, stop the lathe and notify
counterclockwise to turn off.
unit maintenance.
2-5.24. Watertight Door System Operation. (FIGURE
d. Run lathe for 15 minutes. Operate all controls
of headstock and carriage to determine that all controls
a. Rotate
function properly.
counterclockwise to close door or clockwise to open
e. After 15 minutes of operating lathe, disengage
the lever switch (3) and turn OFF motor.
It may be necessary to rotate hand
f. Check oil in sight gauges of headstock and
pump handle very fast to increase
carriage. Fill with oil if necessary. Oil all headstock and
hydraulic pressure to break door
carriage oil points.
loose when initially opening a sealed
g. Run lathe at low speed setting for 2 to 3 hours,
periodically check oil sight gauges.
b. Rotate remote control pump handle (1) (in the
h. Cautiously, feel the two spindle bearings on the
upper machinery
outside of headstock housing. If the housing is hot or
excessive heat is being generated, immediately shut
down lathe and notify unit maintenance.
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