TM 55-1915-200-10
o. Set the helm to 0as indicated on the RUDDER
e. Place the steering selector switch (42, FIGURE
ORDER INDICATOR (Sheet 1 of 4). The rudders
should be at 0 2as indicated on both pilothouse port
and starboard rudder angle indicators (Sheet 4 of 4).
f. Place pump select switches (41, Sheet 3 of 4) to
#1 PUMP position.
p. Set the helm to 10 starboard. The rudders
should move to 10starboard 2within 5 seconds.
g. Verify that the port PUMP ON indicator (39) is lit
q. Set the helm to 30 starboard. The rudders
should move to 30+ 2starboard within 10 seconds.
h. Operate the port rudder NonFollow-Up Control
Lever (18, Sheet 2 of 4) in the port or starboard
r. Set the helm to 0 The rudders should move to
direction. The port rudders should move to port or
0 2within 15 seconds.
starboard as observed on the port pilothouse rudder
angle indicator.
s. Set the helm to 10 port. The rudders should
move to 10 2port within 5 seconds.
i. Operate the starboard rudder Non-Follow-Up
Control Lever (15, Sheet 2 of 4) in the port or starboard
direction. The starboard rudders should move in the
t. Set the wheel to 30 port. The rudders should
port or starboard direction as indicated by the pilothouse
move to 30 2within 10 seconds.
starboard rudder angle indicator.
u. Set the wheel to 0 The rudders should move
j. Place Pump Selector switch (41, Sheet 3 of 4)
to 0 2within 15 seconds.
to #2 PUMP position.
k. Verify that the starboard PUMP ON (40, Sheet 3
of 4) indicator is lit green.
The steering system is now ready for
l. Operate the port Non-Follow-Up Control Lever
2-5.7.2. Steering System Operation.
(18) in the port or starboard direction. The port rudders
should move to port or starboard as observed on the
pilothouse port rudder angle indicator.
If steering system has not been
m. Operate the starboard NonFollow-Up Control
previously operated, perform startup
Lever (15, Sheet 2 of 4) in the port or starboard
procedures in paragraph 2-5.7.1.
direction. The starboard rudders should move to port or
Perform the preoperation procedures
starboard as indicated on the pilothouse starboard
in paragraph 26.7.2 before operating
rudder angle indicator.
steering system for usual operation.
n. Place the Steering Selector switch (42, Sheet 3
of 4) to the Follow-Up position.
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