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TM 55-1915-200-10
b. Officer's staterooms, and Sickbay on the
switchboard and distributes primary and secondary
officer's deck (FIGURE 1-23).
power to vital equipment. Upon loss of power from the
c. Crew's Mess and Recreation Room; Officer's
main switchboard, automatic bus transfer equipment
Mess and Lounge; and Galley on the poop deck
within  the  emergency  switchboard  isolates  the
switchboard and allows power to be supplied by the
d. Crew's Quarters and Sanitary Spaces on the
emergency generator.
mezzanine deck (FIGURE 1-25).
e. Passageways throughout and Engine Control
1-10.1.5.  Emergency Diesel Generator Engine.  The
Room below decks.
emergency diesel generator set engine powers the
emergency generator.
This engine is completely
Forced  Air  Ventilation  and  Heating.
independent and has its own lubrication oil and cooling
(FIGURES 1-26, 1-27, and 1-28) In addition to air
systems.  The engine is electrically started.  The
conditioning and heating, specified areas on the bridge
automatic bus transfer equipment automatically starts
deck, officer's deck, poop deck, and mezzanine deck
this engine upon failure of the ship's service systems.
are provided with forced air supply and exhaust ducting.
The LSV compartments provided with only forced air
Emergency Generator.
The emergency
ventilation and heating are:
generator provides power to the emergency switchboard
a. Laundry  Room,  Physical  Fitness  Room,
within 45 seconds of a ship's service systems power
Workshops,  Emergency  Generator  Space,  and
failure. One 90 kW generator, completely independent
Weapons Lockers on the main deck.
from ship's service, is provided for emergency power.
b. Engine Room, Steering Gear Compartment, and
1-10.1.7.  Shore Terminal Box.  This box provides
Bow Thruster Space below deck.
connections for 300 amperes shore power service. It
c. Storage Spaces.
also has provisions for attaching a cable to shore and a
cable to another craft in tandem.  The shore power
1-10.2.3. Air Conditioning System. Air Conditioning is
circuit breaker within the main switchboard is interlocked
provided by a 30ton chilled water package containing
with the ship's system generator circuit breakers to
two compressors, two condensers and one chiller
prevent both sources from supplying power to the
(FIGURE 1-29). A centrifugal pump is used to circulate
switchboard at the same time.
the chilled water through its piping system.  Each
compartment having air conditioning has a cooling coil
1-10.2. Environmental Control System.  This system
and fan unit to circulate the cool air. Heating strips are
provides the LSV living compartments and specified
used at the fan units to provide heating if required. All
work spaces with air conditioning and heating. Other
air conditioned compartments have thermostat controls.
work spaces and storage spaces are provided with
Compartments with air ventilation have the heating
forced air ventilation and heating.
strips built into the air supply fan and a control switch.
1-10.2.1.  Air Conditioning and Heating.  The LSV
compartments providing air conditioning and heating
a. Pilothouse, Damage Control Central, and Radio
Room on the bridge deck (FIGURE 1-22).

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