TM 55-1740-202-13&P
B-4. Functional Groups.
Standard functional groupings are not considered feasible for aviation ground support equipment due to variation and
complexity. Therefore, variations to functional groupings may occur.
B-5. Maintenance Categories and Work Times.
The maintenance categories (levels) AVUM, AVIM, and DEPOT are listed on the Maintenance Allocation Chart with
individual columns that indicate the work times for maintenance functions at each maintenance level.
Work time
presentations such as 0.1 indicate the average time it requires a maintenance level to perform a specified maintenance
function. If a work time has not been established, the columnar presentation shall indicate "-.-". Maintenance levels
higher than the level of maintenance indicated are authorized to perform the indicated function.
B-6. Tools and Test Equipment (Section III).
Common tool sets (not individual tools), special tools, test and support equipment required to perform maintenance
functions are listed alphabetically with a reference number to permit cross-referencing to column 5 in the MAC. In
addition, the maintenance category authorized to use the device is listed along with the item National Stock Number
(NSN) and, if applicable, the tool number to aid in identifying the tool/device.
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