TM 55-1670-259-20
b. Technical/Rigger-Type Inspection. A parachute
rigger is no longer required to inspect the 15,000-pound
nylon slingset. The unit can conduct its own inspection.
a. Disassembly.
(7) Using two open-end adjustable wrenches or
other suitable tools, remove the 4-inch-long, 3/4-inch-
(1) Using a flat-tip screwdriver, remove two screws
diameter bolt (7), spacer, and nut (12) horn the top of the
from the end of the web ring connector link (3, fig. 1-1) and
grab link assembly and slide the nylon sling leg (5) out of
separate the end bar from the connector link.
the grab link (9).
(2) Lift the end of the web ring (1) horn the outside link
(8) Lay the grab link asembly fiat so the wit of the
of the connector link and pull the loose end through the loops
hammerlock (10) is Positioned on end.
four times at the top of the nylon sling legs.
(9) Using a punch and mallet, remove the center pin
(3) Slip the 11-inch-long retainer strap off the
from the hammerlock and lay center pin and center bushing to
unrolled web ring.
one side.
(4) Remove the connector link from the unrolled web
(10) Manually pull the hammerlock apart.
(11) Disconnect the grab Link assembiy and chain leg
(5) At the top and bottom end of each sling leg (5),
from the hammerlock.
remove the Wing web keeper (13) as follows
b. Repair. Clean webbing and metal parts as outlined
(a) Insert a screw driver or other suitable aid under
in paragraph 2-2c.
the locking forks of the keeper (A, fig. 2- 1) to stiffen the area
under the locking forks.
c. Replacement. Cannibalize metal items and sliding
web keepers from unserviceable slings. Replace webbing
(b) Using a pair of pliers on each end of the
items with serviceable link items horn stock.
Iocking forks (B), crimp the locking forks together and
simultaneously push both ends of the forks toward the center
of the keeper until the forks disengage horn the locking fork
end frames.
(1) lnstall two sliding web keepers on each of the sling
legs as follows:
(c) Remove the screwdiver or other stiffening aid
from under the keeper locking forks.
(a) At a point between the first fixed web keeper
and the sling top attaching loop, place a 5-inch-long web
(d) Remove the locking forks from the web keeper
keeper around the sling webbing.
loops (C), and futher remove the sliding web keeper horn the
sling leg (D).
(b) Connect the loose ends of the web keeper by
inserting a locking fork through the web keeper loops from
each side of the web. Futher insert each locking fork end into
the opening in the opposite locking fork end frame.
Upon disassembly of the two sliding web keep
ers horn a sling leg, the keepers should be
Using a pair of long-nose pliers, crimp one
separated as the web keepers are not inter-
end of the
locking forks and simultaneouly, manually
changeable. However, the metal Iocking forks
squeeze the
Iocking fork ends toward the center of the
may be interchanged, as required.
keeper until
the forks lock in position.
(6) On the bottom end of each nylon sling leg (5, fig
1-1), remove the connector link screws, using a flat-tip
screwdriver, and remove the connetor Ink (6).
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