TM 55-1670-259-20
will be disposed of in accordance with DOD 4160.21-M
and AR 755-2. Unserviceable webbing components of
a. General. Upon initial receipt of miscellaneous
external air transport slings, except the sliding web
external air transport items from a designated supply
keepers, shall be destroyed. However, prior to de-
source, an inspection must be conducted by the using
struction of sling webbing, all metal components and
activity before the items are placed in service. Each
and sliding web keepers shall be cannibalized. Only
component will be inspected as outlined in paragraph
t h e serviceable metal components and sliding web
2-4. After the inspection, the items may be stored or
keepers are to be retained for further use in complet-
p r e p a r e d f o r u s e i n a i r t r a n s p o r t i n g supplies and
ing a replacement sling assembly upon acquisition of
equipment in accordance with applicable TM 55-450
serviceable webbing components.
series manuals.
b. Service Life. External air transport slings (FSC
b. Storage. External air transport items selected for
1 6 7 0 ) do not have a prescribed service life. The
storage shall be placed in a dry storage area in such
length of time a sling may remain serviceable shall
a manner as to prevent rust, corrosion, or damage
depend on the results of required inspections to be
which may be inflicted by contact with sharp or abra-
performed in accordance with paragraph 2-4.
sive objects.
c. Cleaning.
c. Marking. Each chain leg set will be stamped in
one-inch lettering with the date on which the set is
(1) Webbing items. Remove from webbing items all
placed in use by the using unit. This stamped date
dirt, dust, or mud by dry brushing with a soft-bristle
will be used in determining the interval of inspec-
brush. Grease or oil will be removed by spot cleaning
t i o n performed by parachute rigger personnel. The
with dry cleaning solvent (tetrachloroethylene), FSN
marking will be located near the first keeper on both
6 8 5 0 - 2 6 4 - 9 0 3 8 , and by rubbing with a soft-bristle
ends of each chain leg sling and on an accessible
brush or a clean cloth. If webbing items have become
area of the web ring. The date marking will be made
wet during use, they shall be thoroughly dried before
w i t h either orange-yellow parachute marking ink,
further use or storage. Drying shall be accomplished
FSN 7510-634-6853, or strata-blue parachute marking
by suspending or elevating wet webbing items in a
ink, FSN 7510-286-5362.
well-ventilated room or in a heated drying room. Dry-
ing time may be reduced by the use of fans. When heat
is used, it should never exceed 200oF and must not
a. General. M i s c e l l a n e o u s e x t e r n a l a i r t r a n s p o ~
b e applied for more than three consecutive hours.
items will be inspected after each use by following
procedures in paragraph 2-4. Damage or defects will
(2) Metal items. Remove from metal items all grease
be reported in accordance with TM 38-750 and TB 750-
oil, rust, corrosion, acid, or foreign matter by wiping
126. Unserviceable external air transport sling metal
items with a cloth, by use of fine emery cloth, or by
components, sliding web keepers and previously used
use of compressed air from an airhose. File all burrs
serviceable sling assemblies that are excess property
and sharp edges smooth.
opportunity. At any time the serviceability of an ex-
ternal air transport sling is questioned, the sling shall
be removed from service and inspected by a qualified
Miscellaneous externaI air transport items shall be
inspected at prescribed intervals to determine serv-
parachute rigger (MOS 43E). If after completion of the
iceability. The two types of inspections to be per-
inspection, t h e sling is considered serviceable, the
formed are routine and technical/rigger, each of which
parachute rigger will circle the area in question using
is defined in paragraph 2-4. All defects discovered
parachute marking ink. This marking shall validate the
during inspection and the corrective action taken will
serviceability of the sling. Slings that are determined
be recorded on appropriate forms in accordance with
to be unserviceable shall be disposed of according
TM 38-750 and TB 750-126 at the earliest possibIe
to procedures in paragraph 2-2.
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