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TM 9-4931-583-30&P
(4) Inspect each part.  Any discrepancy,
bolt heads contact shaft arms. Do not tighten at
except cleanliness is cause for replacement.
this time.
(e) Install right gun frame assembly on
Warped or bent.
boresight assembly and self-align per alignment
c. Repair of Left Gun Frame Assembly.
Loose or missing parts.
(1) Remove frame assembly (8, figure 1-1)
(d) Threaded items for thread damage.
from boresight assembly by disconnecting frame
assembly fitting and removing assembly.
(e)  Cleanliness. Clean, if required, per
(2) Repair dents as listed in paragraph b.(2)
(5) Assemble alignment assembly. Refer to
figure C-4 for breakdown and parts identification
(3) Disassemble alignment assembly as
numbers unless otherwise indicated.
required to replace failed part. For disassembly
instructions, refer to paragraph b.(3) above.
(a) Thread nut (12) onto setscrew (14).
(4) Inspect each part. Refer to paragraph
(b) I n s t a l l s e t s c r e w i n b a s e p l a t e
b.(4) above.
assembly (15) center hole.
(5) A s s e m b l e a l i g n m e n t a s s e m b l y ,
(c) Position column assembly (16) center
following steps in paragraph b.(5) above.
hole over setscrew rounded head with one shaft arm
between raised plates of plate assembly.
(6) A d j u s t l e f t g u n a l i g n m e n t b l o c k
assembly on shaft arm following paragraph b.(6)
(d) Measure between the three arms of shaft
above. In paragraph b.(6)(e), install left gun frame
and adjacent surface of base plate assembly (figure 3-1,
view A). Adjust nut and setscrew until measurement
equals 0.13 inches.
d. Repair of Forward Gun Frame
Assembly. Refer to figure C-6 for breakdown and
(e) I n s t a l l t w o s e t s c r e w s ( 1 0 ) a n d
parts identification numbers unless otherwise
nuts (11) in base plate assembly, centering arm of
shaft between plates of base plate assembly.
(1) Remove frame assembly (15, figure 1-1)
(6) Adjust block on shaft using following steps
from boresight assembly by disconnecting frame
assembly and removing assembly.
(a) Reconfirm that shaft arm is at midpoint
(2) Repair dents as listed in paragraph b.(2)
in base plate, adjusting, if necessary, rotary adjust-
ment screws (6) and nuts (5) until arm is at midpoint.
(3) Disassemble alignment assembly as
(b) Reconfirm that space between the
required to replace failed part. For disassembly
three shaft arms and adjacent surface of baseplate
instructions, refer to paragraph b.(3) above.
assembly is 0.13 inches. If necessary, adjust screw
(8) through nut (9) (View A) until dimension is met.
(4) Inspect each part. Refer to paragraph
b.(4) above.
(c) Insert three bolts and washers (1 and
2, figure C-4) through holes of collar and baseplate
(5) A s s e m b l e  a l i g n m e n t  a s s e m b l y
assembly and fasten alignment assembly to frame
following steps in paragraph b.(5) above.
assembly (18).
(6) Adjust block assembly (6, figure C-6) on
(d) Turn bolts (13) counterclockwise until
shaft arm, following paragraph b.(6) above.

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