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*TM 9-2815-213-34
plunger may be reused. If worn excessively, place
h. Place new retaining ring on new plunger link and
body and plunger.
press link into place. Press retainer flush to 0.010 inch below
(3) Narrow streaks running the length
bore surface.
plunger usually are the result of varying thick- ness of
i. Select cup of proper size (fig. 3-57) and in- stall
penetrate treatment used to prevent rust ing.
finger tight on injector body. Apply tension to aline plunger in
Plunger is satisfactory for reuse unless surface
body, back off % turn, tighten with cup wrench (30, fig. B-28)
distortion is evident.
to 55 foot- pounds as shown in figure 3-50.
d. Injector Spring.
(1) Check spring for excessive wear breaks.
(2) Test spring tension on spring tester that
is capable of very accurate measurements of spring
Spring tension in tool is controlled by spacers
lengths and applied load by means of standards and
marked by the engine model which alines plunger
dial indicator gage.
and cup when per- forming above operation.
(3) If injector springs compress to dimen-
sions at less than loads given in repair and re- build
standards, springs must be replaced.
3-75.  Repair Repair of the injector assembly is
If cup is replaced, always use identical
limited to re- placement of spare parts and general
replacement cup.
repair pro- cedures in accordance with paragraph 2-
j. Check injector assembly plunger seating on  test
stand as described in paragraph 3-77.a.
3-76. Assembly
k. Remove injector plunger from body. Lubri-
cate plunger with test oil. Install injector spring
a. Drop check ball into bore in top of injector
and plunger in body. Check to see that it does
not bind as it seats in cup.
b. Using check ball seating tool (5, fig. B-
l. Check cup spray pattern as described in test
section. If spray pattern tools are not available,
screw down against ball and tighten to 30-40 in-
fill injector body two-thirds full of clean fuel.
lb torque as shown in figure 3-54.
Insert plunger forcing fuel out cup spray holes to
c. Install retainer plug, with a new gasket,
see that they are open and clean.
3-77. Test and Calibration
tighten to 30-40 inch pounds.
a. Injector Plunger Seat Test.
d. Lubricate new injector body O-ring with
(1) Install injector assembly on test stand
OE-30 oil.
as shown in figure 3-58.
e. Using O-ring tool (39, fig. B-28), slide O-
ring onto injector body as shown in figure 3-55.
Figure 3-56 illustrates the injector checking fixture
currently in use in the Army supply system and is
available through normal supply channels.
If sealing surface of PT (type C) cup is
slightly damaged, use lapping blocks and
(2) Attach 80/90 p.s.i. air supply to test stand air
mixture of 600 grit lapping compound and
OE-30 lubricant to smooth cup. Oscillate
(3) Remove spring and plunger from the assembled
cup on block, applying light pressure.
injector and re-install plunger only in the injector body.
Clean thoroughly before in- stalling.
(4) Place injector in test set-up with cup seated in the
counterbore below the air valve.
f. Select plunger and body with same size
(5) Install cylindrical injectors with drain and outlet
markings (fig. 356), immerse injector plunger
holes up.
in clean injector test oil.
(6) Position injector plunger with size mark centered
g. Install plunger in injector body from which
between the injector inlet and drain openings. Fill opening
it was removed and place injector in fixture (fig.
with fuel oil and operate plunger several times to purge any
air trapped in injector.
(7) Seat handle against injector plunger
Oil injector cup and retainer with OE-
30 oil before assembly.

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