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Page Title: Section V. Periodic Inspection, Maintenance, and Lubrication
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TM 55-4920-201-14
(2262) and the quick-disconnect coupling (2266).
Install and secure the rear cone (2228), collar up,
5-2. General. Inspection of the equipment
at the extreme top end of the suspended arbor.
described in this manual at regularly scheduled
Stabilize the suspended assembly. Eliminate its
intervals is not required. However, the following
tendency to revolve or swing. Free the suspended
inspections should be performed each time the
assembly from any obstruction or interference.
equipment is removed from storage and prepared
After the suspended assembly has stabilized, note
for use.
the indicator bushing position in relation to the
5-3. Balance Arbors. Visually examine all
black  indicator disc. An arbor that indicates
surfaces of the arbor for detrimental physical
balance eccentricity to the point of tangency
damage such as burrs, nicks, dents, scratches or
illustrated in view C, figure 1-28, is acceptable end
corrosion. If any arbor is reportedly discrepant
completely  serviceable.  However,  overlapping
and/ or is suspected of having been damaged
circles are an indication that the arbor is out-of-
wherein the internal suspension element has been
balance beyond acceptable limits (providing in-
bent or deformed, a serviceability check of the
dicator bushing interference, dash-pot oil, and
arbor shall be accomplished. First, inspect for
cable  discrepancy  possibilities  have been
possible binding of the indicator bushing and
eliminated). See view D, figure 1-28.
correct for this condition, if necessary. Appropriate
indicator bushing instructions are provided in
paragraph 3-7. Check the oil in the arbor to make
Cables shall be straight, without kinks or
sure it is clean, fluid, and authorized. Drain un-
twists. Suspension cables incorporating a
satisfactory oil; clean and refill arbor, if required,
swaged shank junction at the coupling end
as described in paragraph 5-21. If an arbor has
may introduce errors due to a bent swaged
been stored on its side (horizontally) for a con-
connection. To check if a cable is
siderable length of time, particularly at low tem-
satisfactory revolve it 180O and observe
perature, eccentric balance indications may be due
whether the unbalance indicated, if present,
to improper distribution and / or congealing of the
approximately follows the rotated cable
dash-pot oil. This condition shall be corrected by
or remains in a constant location. If the
suspending the arbor at room temperature until the
unbalance indication follows the rotated
oil becomes fluid and uniformly distributed. If it is
position of the cable, the cable is damaged
necessary  to verify the correct alignment and
or the swaged section is bent. The cable
condition  of the arbor's  internal suspension
shell be replaced or repaired satisfactorily
element, adhere to the following instructions.
before proceeding with the balance check
of the arbor.
Do not attempt to disassemble or repair
b. Part no. 2516 arbor. First check the
balancing arbors. Except for ad-
suspected arbor for possible indicator bushing
justment of indicator bushings (refer to
binding or dash-pot oil discrepancies as described
paragraph 3-7) and removal of oil filler
in paragraph 5-3 above. If necessary, check the
screws (refer to paragraph 5-21), these
alignment of the internal suspension element by
arbors are permanent assemblies, and
adhering to the following instructions. Suspend the
any disassembly by using activities will
cleaned, bare arbor to be checked using the eye
result in critical damage requiring
assembly (23871, or a suspension cable (2262 or
factory repair. Refer to section VI,
2264), in combination with the quick-disconnect
troubleshooting, for correction of
coupling (2266), available in the 7A050 kit. Install
abnormal symptons, permitted by field
the counterweight (2523), small collar up, on the
activities during the balance check of
arbor so that the top of the counterweight collar is
balance arbor assemblies.
in line with the 9 inch scale mark on the arbor.
Tighten the set screw to retain the counterweight on
a. Part no. 2259 arbor. Suspend cleaned,
the arbor. Because of the design of the 2516 arbor
bare arbor to be checked using the 1 / 16" cable

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