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TM 55-4920-201-14
rotor blade and snapping spring-loaded roller
support assembly setscrew (4) with 1/8-inch hex
across trailing edge of rotor blade. (See views B and
wrench (8, figure 1-13).
D). Gage pins should align with inboard edge of
blade tip cap, with body of target assembly parallel
Zero position of scope support index plate
to inboard edge of blade tip cap.
(10, figure 4-38) lies directly above scope
k. Remove scope (7) from scope wheel (8).
support assembly setscrew (4). If scope
Install scope (7), part no. 2421 (7HEL056 kit).
support index pin (5) is not in this position,
and adjust eyepiece to bring cross-hairs into
lift index pin and rotate scope support
sharpest focus. Tilt scope wheel (8) in vertical
assembly on index plate until index pin can
plane to align cross-hairs on body of target
be engaged in index plate directly over
assembly (17) at rotor bade tip. Shift blade tip
scope support assembly setscrew. (See view
chordwise by gentle hand tapping as required to
bring alignment target (18) into visual field of
e. Apply light grease or heavy oil to surface of
scope. Slide scope (7) in scope wheel (8) to bring
rotor hub upper cone seat, and install balancing
alignment target (18) into sharpest focus, and lock
arbor (11) downward through rotor hub and
scope in this position with scope lock screw (9).
fixture assembly (15) pilot hole, seating lower end
Bring blade into final precise alignment by hand
of scope support assembly (3) firmly into rotor hub
tapping of blade tip and/or tilt scope wheel
top cone. Install bushing (12), knurled hub up-
slightly to bring point of intersection of scope cross-
ward, over lower end of arbor, seating bushing
hairs (19) within innermost circle of alignment
against bottom surface of fixture assembly (15). Do
target (18).
not lock bushing setscrew.
f. Install spacers (13) over lower end of arbor,
To prevent faulty indications, do not
and install hand wheel (14) in bottom end of arbor.
disturb  position  of this blade during
Do not fully tighten hand wheel at this time.
remainder of trammeling and balance
g. Install scope (7), part no. 2420 (7HEL056
checking  operation.
kit), through scope wheel (8). Adjust scope eye-
l. Adjust damper assembly between the two
piece (6) to bring scope cross-hairs into sharpest
trammeled blades so that, in neutral position, its
focus. Tilt scope wheel (8) and rotate scope
attaching bolt hole aligns precisely with attaching
support ant! arbor assembly to align intersection of
bracket hole of the trammeled blade. Install
scope cross-hairs on exact center of crossed-line
damper bolt, with original washers, being careful
intersection on top surface of any one of the four
not to disturb position of either trammeled blade.
rotor lag hinge caps. (See view A). Slide scope (7)
m. Repeat steps h, i, j, k, and l to align
in scope wheel (8) to bring this target into sharpest
remaining two rotor blades, and install damper
focus, and lock scope in this position with scope
lock screw (9). Recheck alignment of scope cross-
hair intersection on intersection of hinge cap
n. Repeat steps h, i, j, and k, recheck align-
crossed lines, and adjust as required.
ment of all rotor blades to make certain no shift has
occurred during trammeling operations or in-
h. Tighten hand wheel (14) in bottom end of
stallation of damper bolts.
arbor to clamp spacers (13), fixture assembly (15)
hub, rotor hub, and scope support assembly (3)
firmly together.
Blades must remain in their trammeled
positions throughout subsequent balancing
To prevent misalignement of scope with
operation. If position of blades is inad-
rotor huh, it is essential that no rotation
vertently disturbed, repeat entire tram-
between these parts be permitted during
meling operation before proceeding with
the remainder of the blade alignment
balance  check.
o. Remove scope (7) from scope wheel 13).
i. Recheck alignment of cross-hairs on target.
Remove hand wheel (14), spacers (13), and
If necessary, loosen hand wheel (14) to adjust
bushing (12). Remove balancing arbor (11) and
cross-hair alignment; always be sure hand wheel is
scope support assembly (3) from fixture assembly
firmly tightened before proceeding.
(15) and rotor hub. Remove scope support
i. Install target assembly (17) on tip of rotor
assembly (3) from balancing arbor (11). Remove
blade in line with scope by holding two target
target assembly (17) from rotor blade.
assembly gage pins (16) across leading edge of

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