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Page Title: Requirements for Picking Up, Receiving, and Opening Packages (10 CFR 20.205)
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TM 55-315
(2) Accidents involving damage to containers of hazardous articles, which require repacking of the articles.
(3) Serious violations of regulations, such as defective packing, improper restraint, or rough treatment of cars.
b. Reporting of Certain Hazardous Materials Incidents. Incidents/accidents involving radioactive materials require
immediate and detailed reports by the carrier, as specified by 49 CFR 171. 15 and 171. 16. Also, such incidents and/or
accidents require the notifications specified in 49 CFR 174. 750 (rail), 175. 45 (aircraft), 176. 48 (vessels), and 177.
861 (vehicles). The requirements and format for reporting, to the US Coast Guard, incidents/accidents aboard vessels in
the navigable waters of the United States are contained in 46 CFR 2. 20-65. The requirements for a detailed followup
report are contained in 46 CFR 2.20-70.
c. Labels and Placards (49 CFR 177 to 179). DOT regulations require carriers to keep on hand an adequate supply
of labels and placards. Carriers must replace labels or placards lost or detached in transit. They must also supply
placards or markings on all vehicles loaded by them.
6-14. Requirements for Picking Up, Receiving, and Opening Packages (10 CFR 20.205)
a. A consignee who expects to receive a package that contains quantities of radioactive materials in excess of the
Type A quantities specified in table 2-2 shall:
(1) If the package is to be delivered to the consignee's facility by the carrier, arrange to receive the package
when it is delivered.
(2) If the package is to be picked up by the consignee at the carrier's terminal, arrange to be notified by the
carrier when the shipment arrives.
(3) If the package is to be picked up by the consignee at the carrier's terminal, pick up the package promptly
when notified by the carrier that the package has arrived.
b. The consignee, upon receipt of a package of radioactive material, shall monitor the external surfaces of the
package for radioactive contamination caused by leakage of the contents. This monitoring shall be done as soon as
practicable, but no later than 3 hours after receipt at the consignee's facility if received during normal duty hours, or 18
hours if received after normal duty hours. This monitoring requirement extends to all packages except those that
(1) No more than the limited quantities outlined in paragraph 2-20.
(2) No more than 10 millicuries of radioactive material consisting solely of tritium, carbon-14, sulfur-35, or
(3) Only radioactive material as gases or in special form.
(4) Only radioactive material in other than liquid form (including Mo-99/Tc-99m generators) and not exceeding
the Type A quantity limit specified in table 2-2.
(5) Only radionuclides with half-lives of less than 30 days and a total quantity of no more than 100 millicuries.
c. If the monitoring specified in b above results in finding removable radioactive contamination in excess of 2200
dpm (beta-gamma) or 220 dpm alpha per 100 square centimeters of package surface on the external surfaces of the
package, the consignee shall immediately notify:
(1) The final delivering carrier, and
(2)  By telephone and telegraph, mailgram, or facsimilie, the appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Inspection and Enforcement Regional Office shown in table 6-1.
d. The consignee, upon receipt of a package containing quantities of radioactive material in excess of the Type A
quantities specified in table 2-2 (except for those transported by exclusive-use vehicles), shall monitor the radiation
levels external to the package. The package shall be monitored as soon as practicable after receipt, but not later than 3
hours when received during normal duty hours and not later than 18 hours when received after normal duty hours.
e. If the monitoring specified in d above results in finding radiation levels on the external surface of the package in
excess of 200 millirems per hour or, at 3. 3 feet from the external surface, in excess of 10 millirems per hour, the
consignee shall immediately notify:
(1) The final delivering carrier, and
(2) By telephone and telegraph, mailgram, or facsimilie, the director of the appropriate NRC regional office listed
6-15. General Rules for Unloading Shipments (AR 385-11)
a. All motor vehicles containing radioactive materials will be inspected before unloading. Any deficiencies will be
corrected at the time of inspection, if practicable and if required for safe delivery to the unloading point. If correction of
the deficiencies is required, but impracticable, proper action will be taken to ensure safe delivery of the shipment.
b. Before unloading, any closed compartment in which a radioactive shipment has been carried will

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