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Page Title: Requirements for Special-Form Radio-active Materials (49 CFR 173.403(z))
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TM 55-315
4-8. Requirements for Special-Form Radio-active Materials (49 CFR 173.403(z))
To qualify as special-form radioactive material, the radioactive material must satisfy the following conditions:
a.  The material either is a single solid piece or is contained in a sealed capsule that can be opened only by
destroying the capsule.
b.  The piece or capsule has at least one dimension that is 5 millimeters (0.197 inch) or greater.
c.  It satisfies the test requirements of 49 CFR 173.469.
4-9. Standards for Type A Packaging (49 CFR 173.403(gg))
a.  Type A packaging must be designed and constructed to meet the design requirements for general packages
(49 CFR 173.411) and for Type A packages (49 CFR 173.412).
b.  Type A packaging must also meet the test requirements outlined in 49 CFR 173.463, 173.465, and 173.466.
4-10. Evaluation of Hypothetical Accident Conditions (10 CFR 71.73)
To determine their cumulative effect on a package or on an array of packages, hypothetical accident conditions will be
evaluated based on sequential application of the test specified in 10 CFR 71.73.
4-11. Requirements for Packaging of Normal-Form Radioactive Materials (49 CFR 173.415 and 173.416)
a.  Type A Quantities.  Besides the applicable requirements of paragraph 4-9, the following packages are
authorized for shipments that do not exceed Type A quantities.
(1) Each shipper of a specification 7A package must keep on file, for at least 1 year after the latest shipment,
and shall provide to DOT, on request, a complete documentation of tests and an engineering evaluation, or comparative
data showing that the construction methods, packaging design, and construction materials comply with that specification.
Specification 7A packagings designed per requirements in effect on 30 June 1983 and constructed before 1 July 1985
may be used. Packagings designed or constructed after 30 June 1985 must meet the requirements of specification 7A,
Type A general packaging (49 CFR 178.350) applicable at the time of their design or construction.
(2) DOT specification 55 metal-encased shielded packaging constructed before 1 April 1975 is not authorized
unless it is requalified under DOT specification 7A. Each packaging designed for liquids must also meet the design
requirements for Type A packages regarding liquids (49 CFR 173.412(m) and (n)). Use of this packaging as DOT
specification 55 is not authorized after 30 June 1985.
(3) Any Type B(U) or B(M) packaging that is an authorized Type B package (49 CFR 173.416).
(4) Any foreign-made packaging that bears the marking Type A and that was used to import radioactive
materials.  Such packagings may be used later for domestic and export shipments of radioactive materials.  The
packagings shall conform to requirements of the country of origin applicable to Type A packagings.
b.  Type B Quantities. Besides the applicable requirements of paragraph 4-10, Type B quantities of normal-form
radioactive materials must be packaged as follows:
(1) Any Type B, B(U), or B(M) packaging that meets the applicable requirements of the US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (10 CFR 71) regulations and that has been approved by that commission may be shipped
according to the requirements for US Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved packages (49 CFR 173.471).
(2) Any Type B(U) or B(M) packaging that meets the applicable requirements of the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, Safety Series No. 6, 1973 Revised
Edition (as amended) and for which the foreign competent authority certificate has been revalidated by DOT according to
49 CFR 173.473. Authorized only for export and import shipments.
(3) DOT specification 6M (49 CFR 178.104) metal packaging, only for solid or gaseous radioactive materials,
that will not undergo pressure generating decomposition at temperatures up to 121 (252 ) and that do not generate
more than 10 watts of radioactive decay heat.
(4) For contents in other than special form, DOT specification 20 WC protective jacket used with a single,
snug-fitting inner DOT specification 2R (49 CFR 178.34), or a DOT specification 55 container constructed before 1 April
1975. Such packagings constructed after 31 March 1975 may not be designated as DOT specification 55. For liquid
contents, the inner packaging must also comply with the design requirements for Type A packages pertaining to liquids
(49 CFR 173.412(m) and (n)).
c.  Large Quantities of Radioactive Materials. Large quantities of radioactive materials in normal form must be
packaged according to a(3) and (4) above. Also, they may be packaged in any other Type B

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