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TM 55-2350-252-14
Section 1. GENERAL
AR 55-162, Permits for Oversize, Overweight,
1-1. Purpose and Scope
or Other Special Military Movements on
This manual is for transportation officers and
Public Highways in the United States
other personnel responsible for safe transport of
AR 55-228, Transportation by Water of Explo
Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS), infan-
sives and Hazardous Cargo
try, M2, M2A1, M2A2; BFVS, cavalry, M3, M3A1,
46 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 46
M3A2; and the 75K BFVS (product improvement
49 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49
of M2A2/M3A2). It provides transportability guid-
ance for safe shipping and receiving of the BFVS.
1-3. User Comments
It includes significant technical and physical char-
MTMCTEA encourages users of this manual to
acteristics of the vehicles as well as safety require-
submit comments and recommended changes for
ments for worldwide movement by various modes
its improvement on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
of transportation. The BFVS weight varies from
Changes to DA Publications and Blank Forms) or
50,000 pounds to 75,000 pounds; however, all
on a marked copy of a page or pages of the
BFVS should be secured as shown in the following
manual. Forward these suggestions to Director,
chapters. Tiedown configurations for all modes of
Military Traffic Management Command Transpor-
transport, unless otherwise noted, are based on the
tation Engineering Agency, ATTN: MTTE-TRT,
75,000-pound gross vehicle weight.
720 Thimble Shoals Blvd-Suite 130, Newport
News, VA 23606-2574. Address electronically
1-2. Related Publications
transmitted messages to DIR MTMCTEA FORT
Additional information on transport procedures
EUSTIS VA//MTTE-TRT//. This command will fur-
can be found in:
nish a reply.
MTMCTEA Pamphlet 55-19, Tiedown Hand-
book for Rail Movements
1-4. Definitions
MTMCTEA Pamphlet 55-20, Tiedown Hand-
The following definitions will be used throughout
book for Highway Movements
this manual:
MTMCTEA Pamphlet 56-1, Surface Transpor-
a. Bolt-on Armor. Armor tiles that are "bolted
tation, Marine Terminal Lifting Guidance
on" to the hull upper glacis, hull sides, and
MTMCTEA Pamphlet 70-1, Transportability
portions of the turret to provide protection against
for Better Strategic Mobility
shape charged munitions. The tiles incorporate
FM 55-65, Strategic Deployment by Surface
innovative advancements in armor technology that
may include reactive (explosive) armor.
TM 38-236/AFR 71-8, Preparation of Freight
b. CONUS. Continental United States.
for Air Shipment
c. OCONUS. Outside the Continental United
TM 38-250/AFR 71-4 Preparation of Hazard-
ous Materials for Military Air Shipment
d. CG. Center of Gravity.
TM 9-2350-252-10-2 Operator's Manual for
e. Curb Weight (CW). Total weight of opera-
Infantry Fighting Vehicle; M2, M2A1, and
tional vehicle including fuel, all system fluids, and
Cavalry Fighting Vehicle; M3, M3A1
vehicle basic issue items (BII). CW does not in-
TM 92350-284-10-1 Operator's Manual for
clude crew weight.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle; M2A2, and Cav-
f Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW). Total weight of
alry Fighting Vehicle; M3A2, Hull
the operational vehicle, including fuel, all system
TM 9-2350284-102 Operator's Manual for
fluids, BII, ammunition, crew, infantrymen, and
Infantry Fighting Vehicle; M2A2, and Cav
any other associated support items of equipment
alry Fighting Vehicle; M3A2, Turret
attached to, contained in, or projected as payload
USAREUR Regulation 55-8, Loading and Se-
for the vehicle.
curing Military Wheeled and Tracked Vehi-
g. NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
cles on European Railcars
h. RORO. Roll on.hell off.
USAREUR Regulation 55-1, United States
i. Sweatboards. Lumber running horizontally
Army Motor Vehicle Operations on Public
and mounted in hangers along the skin of the

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