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TM 55-1915-200-10
of the compartment. There is a 25-second delay during
The dry chemicals suspend fine particles in the fire to
which the siren sounds, warning personnel to evacuate
screen the fire from oxygen and fuel sources, thereby
the protected area. Pressure switches interconnected
extinguishing the fire.
with the electrical system are activated during the delay
for  ventilation  and  equipment  shutdown.
1-10.15.6. Submersible Pumps.  Submersible pumps
discharge, the halon cylinders will release and "flood"
provide a portable means of pumping out water-filled
the designated compartment in approximately 10
compartments.  A centrifugal pump is driven by a
constant speed electric motor contained within the pump
and enclosed in a water-jacket for cooling. The pump is
1-10.15.2. Fire Stations. Fire stations provide water for
intended to be fully immersed in the water it is pumping.
fire suppression throughout the ship.  Fire stations
1-10.15.7. Eductor Bilge 4" Ejector Set. The Eductor
consist of fire plugs connected to the fire/bilge system
(FIGURE 1-36) or fire main piping system (FIGURE 1-
bilge 4" ejector set is a jet-type pump which can pump
37).  Installed at each fire station is an all-purpose
liquids containing small particles of foreign matter. The
pump has no moving parts and does not require
1-10.15.3. Carbon Dioxide Equipment. Carbon dioxide
(CO2) systems provide fire suppression in areas that
1-10.15.8.  Ventilating Portable Blower GE-V8.  The
present unusual fire hazards. When released from the
ventilating portable blower provides portable ventilation
cylinder, C02 liquid rapidly expands to about 450 times
to confined spaces. The blower is a gasoline engine
its stored volume.  This rapid expansion causes the
driven device. It contains a fan enclosed in a shroud
liquid to become C02 gas. Because it is heavier than
and a flexible hose.
air, the CO2 gas will settle to blanket and extinguish the
1-10.15.9. Portable Fire Pump. The portable fire pump
provides high pressure water as a backup source for the
1-10.15.4. Oxygen Breathing Apparatus (OBA).  The
fire stations and is also portable. It draws water from
the sea (or other sources) and pumps it through hoses
oxygen breathing apparatus provides oxygen to the
and nozzles under high pressure for fire fighting. It can
wearer for entering smoke filled compartments to fight
also be used for large volume pumping at low pressure
fires.  When activated, a chlorate candle within the
for damage control work. The centrifugal gas engine
apparatus generates oxygen and supplies it to the
portable fire fighting pump is powered by a gasoline
breathing bag. Chemicals within the canister remove
driven engine, with a battery powered electrical starter
moisture and carbon dioxide from the exhaled air and
and a backup pullstarter.
return the remainder of the air to the breathing bag. A
pressure relief valve vents excess pressure from the
breathing bag.
1-10.15.10. Countermeasure Washdown System. The
countermeasure washdown system (FIGURE 1-38) uses
1-10.15.5. Dry Chemical Extinguishers. Dry chemical
fire station 12 to provide an umbrella of water over the
extinguishers provide fire suppression for chemicals and
superstructures in case of nuclear, biological, or
liquids that are difficult to extinguish. They dispense a
chemical (NBC) attack. Fire main seawater is directed
powder that interrupts the chemical reaction of the fire.
through a piping system in the handrail of the

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